Production Sysem Based on
Market-driven Needs
can be ridden by young and old alike, male or female.
We have always valued an approach based on the needs of the market, carrying
out research on traffic environments, lifestyles, and age-related studies.
The products we make are developed to serve people's needs for utility and performance.
For men in their over 40s we came out with the sporty "Abios" for young
women around the age of 20, the "Lococo" and for professional racers,
the "Anchor"
In tune with the changing times, we designed each series for a specific age group
and lifestyle.
In addition to concentrating on design and exceptional performance, we also take
fashion and health into consideration to produce bicycles about which people
have special feelings.
Technology to Give Form to Needs
Cycle's strength is the ability to consistently address
market needs and give form to them.
We also have first-rate planning, design, and technology,
and seek to add high value without limiting ourselves
to conventional ideas. This stance has led to the development of many technologies considered revolutionary in the bicycle world.
Several have set the standard in Japan.
Primary among these are the use of diecast metal
for bicycle frames, the development of our NEO-COT
frames based on a theory of contour optimization,
and the development of bicycles featuring electronically
controlled automatic gear shifting-technologies that
have pushed the evolution of the bicycle ahead by
leaps and bounds.